SSTLLP in association with RanceLab is coming to the 37th edition of AAHAR (One of the biggest B2B Food & Hospitality event organised by India Trade Promotion Organisation).
The event is expected to display 700+ stalls & host 3,00,000+ visitors from around the globe.
This is the event you just can’t pass on.
Visit our stall to experience how RanceLab ERP integrated with Top Notch POS Hardware is helping 75,000+ business owners in controlling their businesses & growing the sales.
Event Details -
Date - 14th to 18th March.
Venue - Pragati Maidan
RanceLab Stall - 7F-02C, Hall 7.
Exhibitor Manual - https://indiatradefair.com/aahardelhi/uploads/pdfs/ExhibitorManual_AAHAR09032023.pdf

For more information contact us at our given website contact numbers to book the demo slot for your business